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Epolock Adhesive 1100 EPOLOCK


Epolock 1100 is a two-component filler and anti-dandruff adhesive with peripheral cooking and ease of use. This adhesive can be used for bonding stone to stone, stone to iron, stone to metal.
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Epolock Adhesive 1100 EPOLOCK


Implementation of building facades is one of the most important and basic issues in construction projects. Today in Iran, more than 90% of building facades are made of obsolete and traditional methods of grout and mortar, and less than 10% of large projects use new systems and the use of new technologies to connect stone on the facade. The main reasons for this approach can be easy access to low-cost stone resources, lack of sufficient knowledge of executive groups and lack of monitoring and practical legislation of relevant government agencies in this area. At present, the dry façade execution system is considered as the best, fastest, safest and most durable way of façade execution in construction projects in the world. Among the different methods of dry facade implementation, we can mention one of the newest and safest applied methods, dry facade execution system with epoxy adhesive, which has the ability to connect different types of building stones on different substructures. Apolac 1100 adhesive is an epoxy-based adhesive for installing both natural and artificial stone, various types of porcelain on the facade and joints of slabs and column heads, etc., which establishes a lifelong connection.

General specifications of Apolac 1100 adhesive

Most adhesives on the market are based on polyester resin. Polyester adhesive has disadvantages such as high shrinkage during drying and usually releases greasy substances after curing. These types of adhesives can not be used for lifelong connection and the life of these adhesives is short and less than one year. While Apolac 1100 adhesive is an adhesive based on epoxy bisphenol A resin and amine hardeners with anti-fouling and filling properties. Due to the use of epoxy resin in its production, it has very little shrinkage and after drying, it does not become greasy at all and creates a lifelong bond.

Uses of Apolac 1100 adhesive
Installation of facade stone, porcelain and all kinds of slab stones on concrete, sand plaster and cement
Connecting stone to stone to repair the facade and replace one stone facade with another stone facade without having to dig the previous facade and spend money to destroy the previous facade
Connect explicitly
Connecting stone to metal
Disadvantages of Plant Scope Dry Facade
Need to use a stone with a thickness of at least 3 cm so that we can plant from the top and bottom of the scope.
Low installation speed in this method is 4 to 5 square meters per day, while the installation speed of the slurry method is 10 to 15 square meters.
High cost, especially in concrete buildings that require rebar and anchor bolts.
High installation fee
The high cost of using thick stones with a thickness of at least 3 cm, which normally uses 1.5 to 2 cm stones, so we will have a 60% increase in the price of stone.
Limited performance on the facade In this method, we can not angle the stone and generally have less maneuverability.
It requires specialized force and if the holes on the stone are pushed back and forth, the stone is more likely to break.
On the other hand, because the rock is only restrained from above and below, it slips and falls dangerously during an earthquake or any other accident.
Sand and cement mortar systems and its problems
Low execution speed due to time consuming drying of the slurry because the next row should be applied after the slurry dries.
Short lifespan and due to shrinkage of the slurry at the time of drying, after 4 or 5 years, the stone separates from the mortar. Preventive methods such as using a wire scoop are also not effective due to wire rot over time.
Absorption of building stone water and penetration of cement black water into them causes a degree of turbidity and darkening of the stone. That is, a first-class white stone turns into a medium-grade opaque stone.
In angular situations, if the grout of the first row is, for example, 3 cm, in the next rows, this grout has increased and it may be impossible to continue the installation, or where the stone reaches the ceiling, it is no longer possible to grout behind it.
Heavy building due to the heavy weight of mortar and grout behind the stone. Each square meter of stone installation in the slurry method consumes 80 kg of slurry. In a building with a facade of 1000 square meters, 80 tons of grout is added to the weight of the building.
When installing slabs that are beautiful and expensive, the heavy weight of the slurry behind them can cause the slabs to break.
Advantages of using EPOLOCK 1100 adhesive
High installation speed up to 30 to 40 square meters per day with an installer and a worker
Easy installation without the need for expert force (in dry facade system with screws and scoop plant, you must have expert force)
Clean work (for installation with glue, you only need two cans of stone glue and a spatula, while in the cement mortar system, in addition to darkening the stone due to the absorption of mortar by the stone, you must clean the additional mortar poured on the stone after installation. )
Lower cost compared to dry facade system with plant scoop
Maintaining the original quality of the stone (in the cement mortar system, due to the absorption of the mortar by the stone, we will have dandruff and darkening of the stone.)
Extremely lightweight of the building compared to the mortar and cement system and dry facade
Long adhesive life
Very high resistance of this adhesive against vibration and earthquake
If the stone breaks for any reason, due to the use of multiple bites behind the stone, the possibility of falling pieces of stone is significantly reduced, while in the dry façade system, if the stone breaks, the possibility of falling pieces creates very dangerous conditions.
Due to the paste of the adhesive, it is possible to regulate the stone on the wall up to 2 cm.
Possibility of installing stone of any thickness (in the dry facade system of Scope Planet, a thick stone must be used)
Possibility of very easy installation of ceilings, slabs and slabs
It is not possible to install porcelain with slurry system and dry view of Planet Scope (because porcelain has zero water absorption and is thin). But you can easily

He installed it with glue.
Excellent resistance to bad weather and acid rain
In the slurry system, the mortar behind the stone pushes the stone forward and we have to restrain the stone with a plank and plaster, but in the adhesive system, this is not necessary due to the high viscosity of the adhesive.
How to mix Apolac adhesive

Note that each component of the adhesive alone has no adhesion at all, and adhesion is achieved only when the two components are thoroughly mixed together. Never dip the spatula used from one component into another because they will react together and harden. Take some of a component and place it on a flat surface (a stone or ceramic ...). Then take the same amount from the other component and place it on the previous component (only if the two components are visually equal, it is enough that there is no need to weigh exactly). Thoroughly mix the two components for at least 2 minutes to obtain a uniform color. If the two joints are not thoroughly mixed, we will not have perfect adhesion. This adhesive, while having a high viscosity, is a creamy state and mixes easily.

Sticking the stone on the cement sand plaster

To glue natural or artificial stone on a sand-cement plaster, etc., first mix the two components of the adhesive thoroughly as described above. Then place it in the form of a funnel-shaped piece on the stone. The distance between the bites is between 30 and 40 cm and the bites are placed in the form of funnel ice cream. On almost square stones, place the bites in both directions at a distance of 30 cm, but in longitudinal stones, a separate bite is placed between all four bites.


When installing stone with epoxy adhesive, you should note that the stone and the adhesive have high strength and stick very well, only the surface under the work must have good strength to be able to withstand the weight of the stone. Also, the presence of contamination on the two surfaces prevents proper adhesion, so thoroughly clean both surfaces before installing the stone. Another issue with installing stone in a dry façade is that you should not place the stones too close together. Because the rocks expand and contract due to cold and heat, and if they do not have enough space for this, they break due to colliding with each other. Keep a distance of at least 2 mm between the installed stones.

Stick the stone on the metal surface

For installation on metal surfaces, we follow the same method as above. Just a few things to keep in mind. Because a metal frame is used, the proper distance between the stones must be observed. Glue is applied to the metal frame. Because it is not clear when the stone is placed on the metal frame, where the stone is placed on it. Locations of the metal frame to be bitten must be completely stoned and dirty rust removed from the metal to reveal the whiteness of the metal, which is very important because the oxidized layer on the metal does not adhere to the metal, and if the adhesive on This rust is removed from the metal when installed.

Use glue to stick the plant scoop on the stone

Using Apolac adhesive, all types of metal plant scoops can be glued to all types of stones for use in mortar and cement systems. In this case, it is no longer necessary to cut the back of the stone to install the scope. These scoops sink like nails into the mortar and cement system, increasing the reliability.

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