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MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder Clinic Beton Iran

MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder Clinic Beton Iran

Clinic Beton Iran

MTOCRETE S101 quick-setting concrete powder:

It causes excellent early resistance development.
Limits the reduction of long-term resistance.
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MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder Clinic Beton Iran

Concrete quick-setting powder, strong for concrete spraying in a dry, non-alkaline and safe way. MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is a non-dangerous and alkali-free concrete quick-setting additive that is used in dry concrete spraying operations. This product is available in powder form and its consumption varies depending on the desired setting time and concrete hardening.

Alkali-free, non-caustic and non-toxic high
Performance powder accelerator for
Based on standard dry-mix shotcrete
BS 5075 Part 1

Benefits of using MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder

The quick-setting property of concrete of this product allows:
100 to 150 mm thick layers can be applied on the wall or ceiling in one spraying step. (Similar to the allomatic accelerators) work steps become faster.

Advantages of using MTOCRETE S101 concrete quick setting powder

  • It causes excellent early resistance development.
  • Limits the reduction of long-term resistance.
  • It improves the durability of concrete compared to traditional accelerators.
  • The non-hazardous and non-flammable nature of this product
  • It prevents skin burns and improves the working environment.
  • Reduces transportation considerations and saves money.
  • It reduces the entry of salts into running water.

Areas of application of MTOCRETE S-101 concrete quick setting powder

  • MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is suitable for all works that require high short-term and long-term resistance and the implementation of thick layers.
  • Temporary and permanent maintenance of rocks
  • Implementation of the final coating (lining) (execution in one step)
  • Repair operation
  • The tunnels
  • mines

MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder packaging:

MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is supplied in 15 kg bags.

Features of MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder:

  • Form: powder
  • White color
  • Specific bulk weight: 750 to 1000 kg/m3
  • Alkaline number (dissolved in liquid): 6.5 to 7.5
  • Chlorine content: less than 0.1%

The amount of MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder consumption:

The optimal amount of consumption of MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder depends on factors such as: concrete temperature, air and consumption characteristics. According to the desired setting time and initial strength, the amount of consumption varies between the percentage of cement weight. Consuming amounts greater than the percentage will decrease the final resistance. In any case, it is recommended to conduct workshop tests.

Method of using MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder:

Substrate preparation:

The work surface should be clean and free of loose pieces and only slightly scratched.

Cement sensitivity:

Age: It is recommended to use only fresh cement, because old cements have a negative effect on the setting parameters of the concrete mix.
Type of cement: MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is sensitive to the type of cement. With some cements, the coordinates are very slow. This sensitivity is compensated by reducing the ratio of water to cement. It is recommended to use ordinary portland cement (OPC) or rapid hardening cement (RHPC), which usually have better compressive strength than combined or anti-sulfate cement. In any case, it is emphasized that conducting preliminary tests to control setting time and hourly resistance coordinates on used cement should be put on the agenda.
Note: If the time is short, 24 hours resistance is good. When the setting is done slowly, it is possible to apply spray layers up to a thickness of 50 to 70 mm vertically and 30 to 50 mm overhead.

Performance of MTOCRETE S-101 concrete quick setting powder:

In the mixing plan where MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is used, the minimum cement required is 350 kg/m3. But it is better to increase it to 400 kg/m3.

Applications of MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder:

MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is added to the mixture just before use.
Compatible with Delvocrete Stabilizer
(add-on timer controller)
If MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is used in plans containing MTOCRETE S-101 (setting time control additive), it should be noted that the percentage of consumption of MTOCRETE S-101 concrete quick-setting powder at an ambient temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius Maximum 0.4% and at a temperature higher than 15 degrees Celsius only 0.2% of cement weight. MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder should not be used at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius. The consumption amount of mtocrete (additive controlling time) than what was said will cause slow setting and low initial resistance. There is also the problem of non-adhesion to the bedrock with retarder cements.

Considerations for MTOCRETE S-101 concrete quick setting powder

The information given is based not only on laboratory results but also on workshop experiences. But due to many influential factors, this information lacks executive guarantee or executive responsibility. For more information, please contact the technical department of Concrete Clinic Iran.

How to store MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete powder:

If stored in a dry place and in the original packaging, it can be used for up to 12 months.

Protection and safety of MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder:

Unlike other quick-setting concrete additives, MTOCRETE S-101 does not harm the skin. Therefore, it is less dangerous to health. MTOCRETE S-101 quick-setting concrete powder is classified as non-hazardous.

Purchase and price of MTOCRETE S-101 quick setting concrete

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