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Mortar anti-acid eruption Clinic Beton Iran

Mortar anti-acid eruption Clinic Beton Iran

Clinic Beton Iran

Anti-acid mortar, anti-acidic mortar, Iran Concrete:

Protective cover of sulfuric acid factories
Protective cover of sulfur storage tanks
Protective coating of oil, gas and petrochemical industries
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Mortar anti-acid eruption Clinic Beton Iran

Furan, or more generally Furan anti-acid mortar, is a two-component mortar that is designed and produced using Furan Resin. Because of its extremely high resistance to alkalis and water, as well as its anti-acid properties and high heat resistance, Furan mortar is used in all types of tiling in petrochemical industries, refineries, etc., which have strong alkali storage tanks and channels. The composition of this type of mortar is designed in such a way that after reacting with other materials, its polymer structure does not change. This mortar has good adhesion and is used for acid-proof tiles, acid-proof bricks, concrete and other common surfaces. It should also be noted that this mortar is highly resistant to many corrosive chemical substances and environments.

Mortar anti-acid eruption

These products are mostly used in tropical and humid areas. The best temperature range for the highest performance of blast mortar is between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius. The maximum operating temperature for this mortar is 188 degrees Celsius.
Among the uses of this mortar, the following can be mentioned:

  • Protective cover of sulfuric acid factories
  • Protective cover of sulfur storage tanks
  • Protective coating of oil, gas and petrochemical industries
  • Protective cover in different power plants
  • Protective coating in metal and metallurgy industries
  • Protective coating in dairy, food and pharmaceutical industries
  • Protective coating in chemical and detergent factories
  • Protective coating in chemical fertilizer factories

This product turns into a black paste after mixing with water. Its mixing ratio with water is mentioned in instructions 1 to 5. Furan mortar hardens quickly after mixing, and generally it can be applied, which takes very little time. Its chemical resistance against various corrosive, acidic, alkaline, etc. substances is extremely high. Besides these, it also has many good mechanical properties. Its tensile strength is 387 kg/cm2. Its bending strength is 287 kg/cm2 and its adhesion strength is 28 kg/cm2, which are not small numbers and this indicates its excellent mechanical properties. Also, this mortar has a very high resistance against all kinds of solvents and organics.

In addition to these advantages, the use of furan anti-acid mortar has limitations that must be considered. The minimum thickness is between 2 and 4 mm. Furan anti-acid mortar cannot be used at temperatures lower than 5 degrees Celsius. Also, the age of the substrate concrete should be at least 21 to 28 days, which may have different conditions for its surface depending on the curing method and the type of concrete. Also, if this product comes in contact with the skin, eyes and mucous membranes, it can cause injury, which must be avoided.
The surface where we want to use furan anti-acid mortar must be smooth and clean. They should also be completely dry and free of any dust or grease, oil or grease. If part of the surface is uneven, it should be smoothed with putty.

Buying and selling anti-acid mortar for Iran Concrete Clinic

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