
Calligraphy painting P02 Lavindecor


Care in choosing the color of the painting is very important. The color of the painting should match the color, style and interior of the house or complement the colors used in the house. Also, by considering the painting as one of the important components in the design, you can use contrasting colors, neutral with wall surfaces or other devices. In spaces with neutral colors, warm colored paintings can be used.


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Calligraphy painting P02 Lavindecor

To have a beautiful interior decoration, you can not just use paints and floors. Decorative items have a great impact on the beauty of interior decoration and can create a very beautiful effect for the decoration of your home or workplace at a low cost. There are many paintings as well as line paintings that are suitable for home as well as office spaces. In this article, we intend to discuss the effect of using paintings in interior decoration. Care in choosing the color of the painting is very important in choosing it. The color of the painting should match the color, style and interior of the house or complement the colors used in the house. Also, by considering the painting as one of the important components in the design, you can use contrasting colors, neutral with the wall surfaces or other devices.

Number of pieces
Static type
Materials used boards
Cardboard and oil paint

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