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Accelerator super-lubricant BC18 Beton Chimi

Beton Chimi

This product reduces the retention time and increases the concrete slump, the main characteristic of the super-lubricant is the increase of the slip and consequently the ultimate resistance, and the combination of this super-lubricant prevents the drop of resistance due to faster product acceptance. It compensates for the drop by increasing resistance. BC18 super-lubricant super-lubricant reduces construction and maintenance costs due to reduced construction time and operating time.
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Accelerator super-lubricant BC18 Beton Chimi

Super-lubricant has a much stronger effect than concrete lubricants. This type of concrete lubricant has the potential to reduce the excess water of the concrete or increase the concrete's fluidity or even both. The ideal strength of these materials is approximately 25% in ideal conditions and 12 to 18% in normal conditions. The water-reducing power of these super-lubricants should not be less than 12%.

Necessity of application and benefits:

  • Decreased mixing water in slab and cement fixed
  • Increase concrete slab
  • Reduce capture time and reach initial resistance
  • Reduce the permeability of concrete to water and corrosive chemical solutions
  • Increase concrete density and reduce energy consumption
  • Concreting in cases where quick fixing is required, such as repair work and a variety of concrete repairs
  • Concrete in cold areas
  • Ease of concreting by pumping and reducing depreciation of concreting equipment, equipment and energy
  • Concrete in areas with high density of reinforcement.
  • Concrete areas with small cross sections
  • Prevent separation between aggregates

Technical Specifications

Specific gravity (g / cm3)
physical state
Ion chlorine
does not have

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