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Leca wall block 15*20*60(2.5) Iran block

Iran block

Leca blocks are a group of lightweight cement blocks. In the construction of these blocks, clay-style gravel was used instead of conventional gravel. Leca blocks are both solid and hollow blocks. These blocks are used on the walls and ceiling of the building.This type of Leca block is a hollow full bottom wall.
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Leca wall block 15*20*60(2.5) Iran block

The name for this lightweight stone is Leca, which is why it is called Leca Blocks. The word Leca stands for light expanded clay aggregate, meaning expanded clay grain. Leca beans are derived from the expansion of clay in rotary kilns. Sometimes these temperatures can reach up to 1200 ° C. Leca aggregates have a rough surface and are round. When Leca aggregates are combined with water and cement, the Leca block is obtained. Leca lightweight blocks are one of the most important products of Iran Leca. This block has a resistance of at least 30 kg /cm 2 and, if needed, a suitable mixing design can achieve resistances of up to 100 kg /cm2. The wall thickness of the hollow blocks is greater for their insulating properties than for conventional cement blocks, which due to the very low weight of the concrete used, has little effect on the final weight of the block. Leca lightweight blocks are manufactured in various types of peripheral and blade walls and have wide applications in a variety of exterior, separator, facade, double glazed, insulating, fire retardant walls as well as lightweight concrete roofs (beams and blocks).

 Important features of Leca lightweight blocks:

  • low weight
  • thermal resistance
  • Fire behavior
  • Controlled cracking and shrinkage
  • Comfort on the run
  • Thermal comfort
  • Stability and resistance (mechanical)
  • bracing (vertical mortar seam)
  • Use of standard base materials
  • Acoustic resistance
  • Shapes and dimensions of the parts used in the wall

مشخصات ابعاد و وزن

Spatial weight of the block (kg / m3)
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Thickness (cm)
A hollow wall is full

Technical Specifications

Acoustic resistance (db)
Heat transfer coefficient (w / mk)
30-day compressive strength (kg / cm2)
Fire resistance time (hour)

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