Ear Protector Secure H1 Hellberg
• Soft padding ( soft layer on the phone ) phone, sound-proof: cushions are soft, and have been for latch lubricating and are interchangeable. This layer is soft when wearing earphones, sound-proof 1. Well around the ears sticking out and prevents the penetration of sound into the ear can be. 2. When to use intermediary software, being it the user feel comfortable works. • The length of the adjustable phone, anti-noise: in terms of science ( the science of the human polls ) the size of the head and face of people was different, so all the people can not from one-size-fixed to use. During this phone, anti-noise, customizable, the user can easily make it the proper size for your set. • Headbands, along with a pad ( soft layer ), the phone anti-sound: makes the person when wearing earphones, sound-proof feeling of comfort, as well as in the use of long duration, the pressure on the head of the person is reduced. Good design and slim headbands., the stability of it on the head increased, and the risk of stuck phone anti-sound in the environment, and small package reduce. • Compatibility: this model of phone, sound-proof easily with other products, the company Hellberg, such as protective case, is applicable. • Application: this phone, anti-noise suitable for use in industrial operations has been the best choice for sound, with a balance of low to medium frequency, medium to high.