Market construction
Basic Materials
Raw Metal Materials
Metal Profile
Rectangular profile 8*300*400 Jahan Profil Pars

Rectangular profile 8*300*400 Jahan Profil Pars

Jahan Profil Pars

.Rectangular profiles with larger sections, known as columns, have many uses in industry and construction. These profiles, which are made of rectangular sections, are used to build the columns and metal skeletons of buildings.


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Rectangular profile 8*300*400 Jahan Profil Pars

Profiles are generally divided into two categories: construction and industrial. Construction profiles are those profiles that are used in the construction industry, such as aluminum doors and windows, and industrial profiles are products that are used as components in various industries such as automotive, military, etc. Industrial equipment is used.

Rectangular profile usage:

They use square and rectangular profiles with small sections as metal fences for doors and windows of homes, staircases, as well as fences around factory walls and enclosed floors and sidewalks and streets. Larger square and rectangular profiles, also known as columns, are also used in many cases, including column construction and steel structure. They can also be used in the construction of trailer chassis and oil tankers if they are manufactured with reliable physical properties.

Dimensions (mm)
300 * 400
Thickness (mm)
Weight one meter (kg)

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