Market construction
Market construction

Concrete block 20 A3 Belsa block

Belsa block

Concrete blocks in proportion to the AAC block features of God are, and that makes engineers and contractors in areas of very dry and warm from the blocks to use. The benefits of this substance can be quickly the top of the wall, the Chinese under the placement, regular, and normative components on each other, and reasonable prices, it noted, while the lesions this phenomenon at the time of shipment and of such low resistance it against the moisture of the disadvantages of these components.
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Concrete block 20 A3 Belsa block

Concrete block has the ability to form inner, outer walls and vertical surfaces of different structures despite being produced in two groups of light and heavy. This raw material, which is a blend of cement, sand and sand, has all the advantages and disadvantages that are chosen by the construction engineer and the employer. Concrete block components include cement, stone (sand) and water, if needed additives such as flooring and gas generators are used to produce sponge blocks. Cement used in concrete blocks is often of the usual Portland cement type or in some cases Portland cement. In certain situations, cements such as overburden cement, aluminum cement and portland cement are also used.

Advantages of concrete block:

  • One of the benefits of concrete block is the sound insulation.
  • Lightweight concrete blocks are another feature of this block.
  • The strength of lightweight concrete blocks is higher than other lightweight blocks.
  • The cost of building a building using CLC style blocks is very affordable and low cost.
  • They are very resistant to fire and moisture.
  • The life of these light blocks is very long.
  • Cutting lightweight concrete blocks is very easy and easy.
  • Lightweight concrete blocks are environmentally friendly.
  • For these blocks you can use special building materials or adhesive.
  • It's easy to transport, it's also very fast to work with concrete blocks.

General specifications

Dimensions (mm)
200 * 200 * 500
Weight of each piece (kg)

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