Poish Part started its activity in 1361 by designing and manufacturing mandrel and matrix molds. During this period, molds for a number of products needed by customers were designed and made in a small workshop called Bammad. During this period, a workshop with an area of 240 square meters and with the cooperation of 15 people named Poish, was able to replace its product with Japanese parts (CKD) and on the other hand, it has received new orders from its customers (Tizero, Niro Travezah). The design and manufacture of tools, as well as the production of the following products took place during this period:
Honda motorcycle front fender
Bravo motorcycle chassis
In the period of 2011, the main attention of the organization is focused on entering the UPVC door and window fittings industry through improving the performance of quality management system processes in the form of a systemic approach. The obvious manifestations of these processes are the process of human resources, purchasing, macro management, production planning and development.