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Tile Adhesive
MTOTILE 3000P powder tile adhesive Clinic Beton Iran

MTOTILE 3000P powder tile adhesive Clinic Beton Iran

Clinic Beton Iran

MTOTILE3000P based on cement with production chemical additives and two thin or thick layers is very suitable for installing ceramic, stone and brick, especially in underwater environments.
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MTOTILE 3000P powder tile adhesive Clinic Beton Iran

MTOTILE3000P based on cement with production chemical additives and two thin or thick layers is very suitable for installing ceramic, stone and brick, especially in underwater environments. With this glue, materials with a weight of less than 40 kg per square meter can be installed on suitable surfaces without the need for additional support. Suitable surfaces are: concrete, cement sand mortar, glazed and unglazed tiles or treated wood.


MTOTILE3000P is the best adhesive for use in swimming pools or wet environments such as slaughterhouses, bathrooms, industrial kitchens, washrooms, and decorative tiling. This adhesive is especially recommended for working on smooth or glazed surfaces. If you need to increase chemical resistance or improve health standards, you can bond the surfaces with epoxy mortar. Using MTOTILE3000P instead of water can increase the stability of the adhesive against vibration and temperature changes.


It is resistant to water and humid environment.
Easy vertical installation.
It is ready to use and only needs to add water.
It can be used in thin and thick layers.
It is in accordance with the standard.
It takes enough time to install.
Its adhesion is excellent.


MTOTILE3000P is supplied in 25 kg bags.

Physical and chemical characteristics
Specific gravity 1.8 gr/cm3
Cream and gray color
Solid physical state
It has no ignition degree


English Standard 5980 Part 10 of 1980 AD


On smooth surfaces: 2 kg/m2
For surface smoothing and gluing: 4.5 to 10.18 kg per square meter to provide 3 to 6 mm thickness


The surface under the step should be hard, level, smooth and free of paint, oil, grease, curing agent or mold oil.
Use a primer to reduce surface absorption of porous surfaces.
Wooden surfaces must be strong enough to bear the weight of ceramic and tile, and before using glue, completely cover wooden surfaces with a special primer including latex and cement slurry, and install the tiles with glue before the primer dries.

Mix 5 kg of MTOTILE3000P with one liter of water or 3.5 cups of it with one cup of water and wait for 5 minutes after the initial mixing and mix it again. Therefore
MTOTILE3000P is ready to use. Small amounts can be mixed by hand, but use an electric mixer to mix a full bag.

It is suggested that before mixing water with MTOTILE3000P, pour the water into a graduated container and after measuring the amount of water, add MTOTILE3000P to it and then mix them.

Spread MTOTILE3000P horizontally on the surface of the wall with a serrated trowel, and before drying, place tiles or ceramics next to each other with a distance of at least 2 mm, and with a little pressure on the MTOTILE3000P adhesive, MTOTILE3000P can be spread evenly on the back of the tile or Provide ceramics. Setting and moving should be completed within 30 minutes from the start of mixing.
It is possible to start working 24 hours after the installation is completed.


Store the adhesive bags in a covered environment away from sunlight and on a pallet.

As with other chemicals, when storing and working with this glue, be careful to avoid contact with the mouth, eyes, and food, and in case of possible contact, wash the area immediately with plenty of water.

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