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Market construction

network cable KCI


cable network bow cable:
Network cables are the best pair of cables for transferring data across local networks.
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network cable KCI

Network cables are the best pair of cables for transferring data across local networks. Since video and multimedia files are very popular across local networks. The users of these networks demand faster transfer speed and reduced waiting time. Network cables are ideal for high-speed transmission performance and are economical and simple. These cables are more reliable for current applications and higher data rates in future applications.


Network cable standard

TIA/EIA with a nominal voltage level of 230 V


Network cable structure

Conductor: UTP: simple copper

FTP: simple copper, polyethylene mixture

SFTP: tin plated copper

Insulation: UTP: high density polyethylene mixture

SFTP: polyethylene blend

How to place the strands: pairs are woven together.

String color: blue, white, blue/orange, white, orange/green, white, green/brown, white, brown

Central separating material: Polyethylene mixture

Screen: FTP: aluminum polyester with 100% coverage

Internal screen: SFTP: Mylar aluminum with 100% coverage

External screen: Tin-plated woven copper with 80% coverage

Cover: PVC mixture, the color of the cover is usually gray.


Purchase and price of network cable from the market

Construction market is a network of manufacturers and suppliers of construction products, whose main purpose is to create direct and effective communication between suppliers and buyers of those products. This platform is an international multilingual platform that reviews and introduces specialized brands and construction products using technical specifications, videos and images. Buyers in the market building system can get to know the reliable sellers to buy the required products and get the goods at the lowest price. Buyers should refer to the Bazar system to see the price of different types of cables and buy network cables.

Manufacturers and suppliers can register in the construction market system and by placing construction products and inserting the suggested price, they can increase the visits of their products and help buyers to make a safe and economical purchase.

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