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Market construction

Super lubricant Tiss R 304 Sefid Bam

Sefid Bam

Tiss R 304 super lubricant is a very powerful water-reducing concrete mixer. Increases the performance of high performance concrete and dramatically improves the dispersion of cement particles.
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Super lubricant Tiss R 304 Sefid Bam

Concrete super lubricants have a maximum reduction of 35% to 45% in ideal water conditions. The strength of these lubricants in semi-loose concrete is limited to 30%. These are generally liquid.

Application of concrete super lubricant:

  • Tunnel templates, sliders and more.
  • Used in self-compacting concrete
  • Used in self-leveling concrete
  • Specialty concrete that requires high polishing surfaces with minimal energy consumption.
  • Restoration concrete and underwater concrete
  • Concrete in narrow and high reinforcement sections
  • Prefabricated concrete industry

Benefits of concrete super lubricant:

  • Increased psychological or concrete efficiency
  • The possibility of reducing the water to cement ratio by at least 25%
  • Reduction of cement grade
  • Reduce depreciation of concrete pump
  • Exposure to concrete
  • No need for vibrator
  • Increase concrete cohesion
  • Avoid air confinement in concrete
  • Compatibility with Portland cement types
  • Increased compressive strength
  • Opening the molds about 8-12 hours after finishing the concrete
  • Prevent aggregates from being separated
  • Applicable to wind ash simultaneously



Technical Specifications

Specific gravity (g / cm3)
physical state
Ion chlorine
Freezing point (C˚)

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