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Market construction

Roof Frames

Applications of roof structures and its different types

The roof of any building is one of the most important parts of the building and the way it is made has a great impact on its strength and durability. The roof of any building can be implemented in different ways, which are known as different types of roof structures. One of the most important points in the construction of roof structures is its strength.

In order to make the roof of your building in a way that is resistant to various types of damage such as earthquake, moisture, water penetration, impact, etc., you must be able to choose the best method that is suitable for your building .from a variety of roof structures 

Building roofs

If the roof of the building is selected from suitable roof structures, it can guarantee the safety of life and comfort of the people living in the building. But if the roof of a building is not built properly, it will cause irreparable damage to the building and the people living in it. For this reason, for several years, engineers specializing in this field have been looking for suitable materials to be able to design very durable and intelligent roofs using new materials and methods.

Fortunately, the efforts of engineers have yielded very good results, and today there are different types of roof structures with unique methods, which people should use according to the type of building and its environmental conditions.


Waffle roof structure


Factors influencing the proper selection of roof structures

Due to the great variety in the types of roof structures, people are always confused in choosing the right structure. In order to be able to choose a suitable roof structure that is strong and durable under different conditions, you must first carefully examine the environmental and internal factors of the building. There are many factors that are effective in choosing the right roof structure, some of which are:

Type of building skeleton
Geographical location of the building
Environmental conditions in and around the building
Type of materials used in the building
Building height
Type of use of the building
Type of materials used in roof structures
And ...

Types of roof structures

Strength, strength and impenetrability are important features of a good and ideal roof that for its basic implementation, you should be able to choose the best method and structure in accordance with the building conditions and geographical environment. One of the methods of choosing a suitable roof is to consult and get help from experienced and specialized people in this field. Of course, note that in order to have a strong and ideal building, you have to leave it to experts from the beginning. Different structures for the roof of a building are designed and executed by engineers, some of the most common of which are:

Beam block roof
Cubiax roof
Steel deck roof
Waffle Roof
Space structure
False Ceiling
Tent roof
And ...


Cubiax roof structure

Block joist roof and how to implement it

Block joist roofs, as their name implies, use concrete joists and various blocks in their construction. Block beam roofs are usually used in buildings that are constructed of metal, concrete and brick structures. To execute and build this type of roof, the beams are used as a side beam and then the beams are filled with concrete, cement and ... blocks.

What is a Cubiax roof and how is it made?

Cubiax roof is one of the modern and engineered roofs that belongs to a Swiss company called cobiax. This type of roof has become very popular in Iran in recent years. Hollow balls made of polyethylene are the main components of this roof, which are also among the prefabricated building materials.

To execute the Cubiax roof, they make interconnected grids using rebar and insert light and hollow spheres into it. After that, concreting is done on a network of rebars and balls to strengthen the roof.


Beam and block roof structures


Cubiax roof is more expensive than other roofs because it is designed by specialized engineers and quite intelligently, but in addition to the high price, it has unique advantages and features, some of which are:

Reduce concrete and steel consumption
Accelerate the construction process
Reduce environmental impact
Reduce the additional load on the building
Heat insulation and no fire
Reduce structural columns
And ...

Waffle ceiling and how to implement it

Waffle ceilings, like food waffles, are made of mesh. These roofs are often suitable for tall buildings, ie buildings that are more than 12 meters high. Waffle roofs are modern structures whose main material is flat concrete. In this type of roof, first a grid form is created and then concreting is done on them. Waffle roofs are commonly used in tall buildings that also have flat roofs. Some of these places are:

  • Airport
    Train and metro station
    Large halls and exhibitions
    Passenger terminals
    Large sheds with flat roofs
    And ...
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