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Ultra-lubricating and severely reducing concrete water with the ability to maintain performance based on polycarboxylate ether Carboxal SRF521 Alborz Chimie Asia

Ultra-lubricating and severely reducing concrete water with the ability to maintain performance based on polycarboxylate ether Carboxal SRF521 Alborz Chimie Asia

Alborz Chimie Asia

Carboxal SRF521 is a new generation concrete superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether and with the ability to maintain concrete performance for a long time helps to produce unique concrete that allows concrete operators to allow concrete for long periods or long transport distances with Implement the same basic performance characteristics produced in batching, without changing the initial and final setting time. Consumption of Carboxal SRF521 is less than Carboxal SRJ-572. Mode of action: Polycarboxylate ether molecules have a main branch and several sub-branches that when the product is mixed with cement mortar, charged layers consisting of polycarboxylate ether molecules are attached around the cement grains, which causes the cement particles to be expelled from each other inside the cavity. In fact, the Steric Hindrance Effect between the sub-branches causes the repulsion of particles. Also, the hydrophobic force in the main branch causes the adsorption of large polycarboxylate molecules by the cement particles and keeps the water molecules at a farther distance from the cement particles, which can maintain the fluidity of the concrete for the desired time. After a specified period of time, the loads created by reverse induction disappear and this causes the slump to fall and the hydration of the cement to begin and the setting process to begin.
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Ultra-lubricating and severely reducing concrete water with the ability to maintain performance based on polycarboxylate ether Carboxal SRF521 Alborz Chimie Asia

Ultra-lubricating and severely reducing concrete water with the property of maintaining performance based on polycarboxylate ether

Product description:

Carboxal SRF521 is a new generation concrete superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether and with the ability to maintain concrete performance for a long time helps to produce unique concrete that allows concrete operators to allow concrete for long periods or long transport distances with Implement the same basic performance characteristics produced in batching, without changing the initial and final setting time. Consumption of Carboxal SRF521 is less than Carboxal SRJ-572.

Mode of effect:

Polycarboxylate ether molecules have a main branch and several sub-branches that when the product is mixed with cement mortar, charged layers consisting of polycarbonate ether molecules are attached to the cement grains, which repel the cement particles from each other inside the mixture.

In fact, the Steric Hindrance Effect between the sub-branches causes the repulsion of particles. Also, the hydrophobic force in the main branch causes the adsorption of large polycarboxylate molecules by the cement particles and keeps the water molecules at a greater distance from the cement particles, which can maintain the fluidity of the concrete for the desired time.

After a specified period of time, the loads created by reverse induction disappear and this causes the slump to drop and the hydration of the cement to begin and the setting process to begin.


Significant increase in compressive and flexural strength of concrete
Reduce water consumption of concrete by 35%
Reduce the cost of concrete due to increased efficiency
Increase the durability of concrete by reducing permeability
High performance without detachment and hydration of concrete
Reduce the permeability and water absorption of concrete
Increase the durability of concrete and structures


Self-compacting concrete
High strength and durable concrete
Concreting in the tropics
Concrete with long transport distance
Durable and impermeable concrete near the waters of the Persian Gulf
High performance concrete with rock powder, microsilica, fly ash and slag
Pumped concrete
Bulky concrete
Prevent cold seams in long-distance concreting

Method of Use:

Add Carboxal SRF521 to the prepared concrete mix or to concrete water and mix for 3 to 5 minutes. If the product is added to the ready-mixed concrete in the truck mixer, the mixing process should be continued at high speed for at least 5 minutes after addition. Avoid adding the product to dry cement.

Carboxal SRF521 is produced with new technology and it is possible to change its formulation to make it compatible with workshop conditions and consumer needs. This product is able to maintain concrete slump for about 1 to 2 hours at a consumption rate of 0.5 to 1.2% and at a maximum temperature of 27 ° C. Obviously, by modifying the type of cement, mixing design, aggregation of materials and the amount of additive consumption, the duration of maintaining the performance of concrete can be increased.


The best consumption range for Carboxal SRF521 is 0.5 to 1.2% by weight of cement. The exact amount of consumption should be determined by performing accurate workshop tests. Alborz Chemistry Asia Technical Group announces its readiness for workshop tests.



C494 ASTM Type G, F
INSO 2930-1
INSO 2930-2 Tables 3-1 and 3-2


20 liter containers
220 liter barrels
1000 liter tanks
Transportation by tanker in bulk is possible if ordered by the consumer.


Carboxal SRF521 should be stored in closed main containers in the temperature range of 2 ° C to 35 ° C, away from direct sunlight. This product can be consumed up to 2 years after production if stored in the above conditions. Before use, pay attention to the expiration date on the product.

If the product freezes, it should be slowly removed by increasing the ambient temperature and stirring to freeze it, and before consumption, to ensure the quality of the product, it should be tested by making a test concrete mix.

Safety items:

This substance is not a toxic and flammable substance. Use appropriate gloves and masks when using. This substance is non-edible and in case of contact with the skin or eyes, the desired area should be washed immediately with plenty of water and in case of allergies, consult a doctor.

Service and Support:

The technical group of Alborz Shimi Asia Company is ready to cooperate and provide services to esteemed consumers to perform the necessary tests and collaborations to determine the amount and exact method of consumption of Carboxal SRF521.

** The information contained in this catalog is correct, accurate and based on the latest results of studies and tests obtained by the experts of Alborz Shimi Asia Company, but any recommendations provided by this company, sellers and distributors of the product are the criteria for determining the exact amount and method of consumption. It is not and this should be done by performing accurate calculations and performing the required tests by the relevant experts.

Technical Specifications

physical state
Concentrated liquid
Less than 5.1 %
The amount of chloride
Less than 1/0 %
5.5 to 1.2 % of cement weight

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