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AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar Clinic Beton Iran

AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar Clinic Beton Iran

Clinic Beton Iran

AQUAFIN-IC waterproof penetrating mortar of Iran Concrete Clinic:

For internal and external sealing of new and old concrete surfaces
It has excellent adhesion to concrete
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AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar Clinic Beton Iran

AQUAFIN-IC is a single-component, inorganic, cement-based material. This substance is penetrating and crystallizes and seals new and old concrete structures and protects the depth. So that even if the coating is damaged, the sealing of the concrete remains complete. Therefore, AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar is not just a coating, but due to the reaction of its components with moisture, it creates a structure integrated with concrete and forms a resistant and durable mass.

✔ Features and benefits of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

1. The implementation of this product is easy and affordable.

2. It hardens quickly in contact with water and humidity.

3. It is resistant to strong hydrostatic pressures.

4. It has excellent adhesion to concrete.

5. It can be applied on wet surfaces.

6. It is resistant to positive and negative water pressure and can withstand up to 13 bar pressure.

7. It does not contain chloride.

8. It is resistant to rusting of the armature, frost, dew or temperature changes up to 50 degrees Celsius.

9. Protects concrete against the destructive effects of fresh and salty water, sewage flows, corrosive underground water, carbonates, chlorides, sulfates and soluble nitrates.

10. It has DVGW, W270, NSF61, W347 drinking water certification.

11. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

✔ Usage of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

* For internal and external sealing of new and old concrete surfaces
* Sealing drinking water tanks, sewage systems, marine structures, tunnels, manholes, underground passages and fish breeding ponds
* Elevator holes, retaining walls, foundations of buildings and parking lots
* Sealing of operational water and sewage plants, water holding ponds
The water required for curing this product should have equal hardness in terms of decomposition. In order to determine the penetration rate of AQUAFIN-IC compared to concrete according to DIN 4030 standard, it is necessary to know the level of carbon dioxide dissolved in concrete.
After applying and drying, this product fills cracks up to 0.4 mm in width and has a Seif healing effect. This means that as a result of the growth of crystals in all directions and sides, if the concrete cracks, it will be repaired by the crystals.

✔ The performance basis of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

AQUAFIN-IC contains active waterproofing chemical compounds that react with moisture and free lime inside the concrete to form insoluble crystalline compounds that fill the pores and cracks of the concrete. This material does not penetrate even under strong hydrostatic pressure. Since AQUAFIN-IC reacts with the water in fresh concrete, there is no need to spray water again to start the process.

The process that goes through the sealing mechanism of this product is chemical and time-consuming. In fact, each crystal is the starting point for the formation of subsequent crystals.

Although chemical waterproofing compounds remain active forever and protect the structure from water penetration, they seal the surface to a suitable depth within an acceptable period of time. The minimum time required for this material to dry. It is three days and it may take a month to achieve the maximum properties.

Environmental factors such as ambient temperature, density of concrete, amount of humidity and atmospheric conditions all affect the time of the sealing process. It takes more time to create and grow more crystals to seal the cracks.

AQUAFIN-IC is deactivated in dry environmental conditions and is activated as soon as it comes into contact with moisture.

The water sealed by AQUAFIN-IC is completely resistant to permanent contact with the environment with pH in the range of 4-11, as well as periodic contact with the environment with pH in the range of 2-12. In addition, this product is resistant to amateur corrosion inside the concrete, cracking It prevents eating and damage caused by atmospheric factors.

✔ Instructions for applying AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

Surface preparation:

The target surface must be completely cleaned and freed from any pollution and loose particles so that the capillary pores of the concrete are open, and the surface must have enough pores for the correct chemical penetration of IC into the concrete. All soft surfaces must be mechanically roughened for the necessary adhesion between the surface and the coating.

- All contamination including dust, cement particles, oil and loose compounds and paints must be removed by acid washing, sand blasting, water jet or other mechanical methods.

- All protrusions, edges, sand particles and damaged surfaces must be removed and small seams and non-dynamic cracks up to 0.4 mm wide, 20 mm wide and 25 mm deep must be emptied.

- Active water leaks should be stopped by FIX-10S.

- Damaged and destroyed surfaces should be repaired with appropriate ASOCRET-RN or ASOCRET-IM restoration mortar depending on the surface usage.

- Joint seams should be sealed with ASO-JOINT-TAPE 2000 S and AQUAFIN-2K/M.

- All the surfaces to be sealed should be moistened with clean water. Continue wetting the surface according to the instructions until reaching the saturation state so that all surface pores are ready for the growth of deep crystals.

When using AQUAFIN-IC, be careful that the surface should be damp but not wet. Work on impermeable surfaces should be avoided.

✔ Preparation of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

Pour 6.75-8 liters of clean water into a clean bucket and mix a sufficient amount of mortar with it at the same time while it is being mechanically mixed with a stirrer at 300-700 rpm and this process will reach Apply a completely uniform, lump-free and sprayable mixture.

(You should mix only the amount of ingredients that can be applied within 30-60 minutes.) And after a short pause of about 3 minutes, repeat the mixing again.

✔ Application of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

The application of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar is done in the following two ways

1. Application of waterproof penetrating mortar by slurry method

2. Application of waterproof penetrating mortar by spray method

1. Application of AQUAFIN-Ic penetrating waterproofing mortar by grouting method:

Apply the required amount of AQUAFIN-IC evenly on the surface with a brush, then move the brush evenly on the surface and it is better to apply the second layer when the first layer is not completely dry and sticky.

2. Application of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar by spray method:

AQUAFIN-IC can be applied with a spray device, depending on the amount of moisture in the environment while using the spray, it can be applied in one or two layers in a circular movement. It is better to apply the second layer while the first layer is still wet and slightly sticky.

Hardening and protection of the coating:

External and outdoor surfaces:

The coated surface should be kept moist for 3 days. At the same time, it should be protected from direct sunlight, wind and frost by a protective layer such as polyethylene sheet or fabric.

The coated surface should be protected from direct rain for 24 hours.

The embankment operation can be done 3 days after applying the second layer.

✔ Internal surfaces of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

On surfaces with high humidity, AQUAFIN-IC grows well and forms crystals, but on dry surfaces, it is necessary to water the surface for 3 days. It should also be ensured that the environment around the surface has sufficient ventilation for up to 24 hours.

Water storage tanks:

It is important to note that it is possible to fill the tank 3 days after applying AQUAFIN-IC, and in order to use the tank for drinking water, the tank must first be washed with clean water. If AQUAFIN-IC is applied correctly, it will remain permanently active and will have a life equal to the life of the structure.

✔ Important points in using AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar

The reaction between IC and free lime in the concrete leads to scaling, but these scales can be removed from the surface with a brush.

The different colors of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar depend on the amount of moisture in the concrete (depending on the amount of moisture in the concrete, IC may become darker and lighter after curing.)

Having a healthy and flawless surface is necessary to create a bond between the surface and the coating. Therefore, the loose surfaces that prevent a complete bond between the coating and the main surface should be removed with pressurized water jet (bar 400), air pressure 2000 bar and shot blasting, which are suitable methods for this purpose.

In tanks, the average temperature should be between C10+ to C15+ to ensure cement curing, the surface must have humidity above 80% for a certain period of time and prevent the surface from drying.

Generally, 7 days is sufficient for this purpose. It is necessary to prevent water condensation or a layer of water standing on the surface during this time.

* AQUAFIN-IC contains cement and its alkaline substances react with moisture, therefore:

Protect your eyes and skin.

Do not put in contact with children.

In case of skin irritation, wash immediately with water.

Use gloves.

Do not apply it at a temperature lower than C5+ or on frozen surfaces. Also, for use at temperatures higher than C32, act according to the consultant's opinion.

Do not apply it on dry or non-concrete surfaces.

Purchase and price of AQUAFIN-IC penetrating waterproofing mortar at Iran Concrete Clinic

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